Ok, so when I left off I was sleeping at the foot of the bed....ahhhhhh good times! Well we got started early the next morning. We ate at the House of the Waffles!! YURMMY! And then had to go to Wal Mart to buy coats because the high was 50! BRRRR! We went to Rock City that day. It was fun! Eli wanted to climb all over everything! I really enjoyed Rock City! I waited way too long to finish this post bc I am remembering the good stuff now and forgetting all the crap that we went through! The crap is the part that makes it interresting! So enuff of this boring post!
Fast forward to today......Well, two more cars were broken into today here at school. I mean these cars are parked RIGHT BESIDE the building! For those of you that don't know, my car was broken into on the first day of school this year. A busted out window for pocket change in my ashtray! Can you say CRACKHEAD?!?! I love the kids where I work and that is why I CHOOSE, yes CHOOSE, to work at Martin Luther King Elementary School. I just wish the community felt the same way about this school and the children who attend and the teachers who could be working in a cushier environment but don't. SIGH! It makes me sad........(insert sappy instrumental music here.)
Shout out for today go to Tiff ," Tinted windows can be replaced, but you never can in my heart!" lol!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
What Was I thinking???
Ok, if you refer back to my last post I was getting ready to take a little vacation to Chattanooga. Now refer to the title of this post. That's right, What Was I Thinking???
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. I just think the planning was poor on my part. I should've know how it was going to be based on the drive up. From Atlanta on Elliott kept yelling for me to hold her. So basically for 1 1/2 hours I drove with my arm bent backwards to hold her hand. Lord only knows why it had to be my hand and not Jeremy's!! Then we arive at the wonderful hotel! Ok people there is a reason why the women should pack and the men should book the room. I booked a reasonable room with everything we NEEDED. Bed ( note not plural), bathroom, well...that's about it. I can't make myself pay alot for a place to sleep. Case in point, if Jeremy booked the room I wouldn't have seen how much it cost! And his standards are much higher than mine.
Anyway, night one, everyone cuddled up in a king size bed....ready for a sweet night of snuggles! YEAH RIGHT! I must have smoked some crack before I selected one bed!!! Picture this........Jeremy, Eli, Elliott, then me.....hanging off the side! Eli was good. I love him so! At least at this point in my post. Elliott, well she's another story altogether! She would bounce, sing, flip, pat everyone until around 10:00. Which if you know my children, means that's almost the next day! Finally we took turns walking her around the room until she passed out. Well, there was no sleep for me that night.
Wake up bright and early Friday morning. Head to the crack for some bfast ( in Elliott's case...butter). Then head towards the aquarium. The aquarium was GREAT! I recommend it to everyone.. young and old. After the aquarium we hit the children's museum. It was fun. The kids loved it. After the museum, Elliott took a quick nap in the car on the way to Ruby Falls. Did I mention that I was exhausted after the aquarium? We get to Ruby Falls and start the tour. I hadn't been there since I was a kid. i didn't love it then and I don't know why I would love it as an adult. Anyway, We start the tour and our tourguide mentions that it will be a 1/2 mile walk to the falls and a 1/2 mile walk back. WHAT?!?! I have a 2 year old and a 5 year old and they mention this AFTER you go down the elevator. I feel that should be in huge writing before you even enter the parking lot. So we're strolling our 1/2 mile there...Elliott in Jeremy's arms...Eli walking and not paying attention and bumping into the man's butt in front of him....classic really. Did I ever mention that I was claustraphobic(sp)? Yeah...not the best place for me. So we get to the falls and it was really pretty. Eli once again loved it. He really enjoys doing new things. Then we begin our trek back....Eli in Jeremy's arms and Elliott bumping into the man's butt in front of her...classic! We emerge into fresh air and I think to myself, "Never again!".
Later that night, we met up with Cat who was also there for the weekend. Ummm she obviously has higher hotel standards too. Maybe I shoulda let her book my room. While we were there Eli knocked a dent in his head plaing with Nic and Elli fell in love with Zac. He is 13 by the way!
That night sleep came a little easier. Jeremy walked Elliott sooner and I slept at the foot of the bed. NICE!
That concludes day one of so called vacation. I'll have to post day 2 later.....whew.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. I just think the planning was poor on my part. I should've know how it was going to be based on the drive up. From Atlanta on Elliott kept yelling for me to hold her. So basically for 1 1/2 hours I drove with my arm bent backwards to hold her hand. Lord only knows why it had to be my hand and not Jeremy's!! Then we arive at the wonderful hotel! Ok people there is a reason why the women should pack and the men should book the room. I booked a reasonable room with everything we NEEDED. Bed ( note not plural), bathroom, well...that's about it. I can't make myself pay alot for a place to sleep. Case in point, if Jeremy booked the room I wouldn't have seen how much it cost! And his standards are much higher than mine.
Anyway, night one, everyone cuddled up in a king size bed....ready for a sweet night of snuggles! YEAH RIGHT! I must have smoked some crack before I selected one bed!!! Picture this........Jeremy, Eli, Elliott, then me.....hanging off the side! Eli was good. I love him so! At least at this point in my post. Elliott, well she's another story altogether! She would bounce, sing, flip, pat everyone until around 10:00. Which if you know my children, means that's almost the next day! Finally we took turns walking her around the room until she passed out. Well, there was no sleep for me that night.
Wake up bright and early Friday morning. Head to the crack for some bfast ( in Elliott's case...butter). Then head towards the aquarium. The aquarium was GREAT! I recommend it to everyone.. young and old. After the aquarium we hit the children's museum. It was fun. The kids loved it. After the museum, Elliott took a quick nap in the car on the way to Ruby Falls. Did I mention that I was exhausted after the aquarium? We get to Ruby Falls and start the tour. I hadn't been there since I was a kid. i didn't love it then and I don't know why I would love it as an adult. Anyway, We start the tour and our tourguide mentions that it will be a 1/2 mile walk to the falls and a 1/2 mile walk back. WHAT?!?! I have a 2 year old and a 5 year old and they mention this AFTER you go down the elevator. I feel that should be in huge writing before you even enter the parking lot. So we're strolling our 1/2 mile there...Elliott in Jeremy's arms...Eli walking and not paying attention and bumping into the man's butt in front of him....classic really. Did I ever mention that I was claustraphobic(sp)? Yeah...not the best place for me. So we get to the falls and it was really pretty. Eli once again loved it. He really enjoys doing new things. Then we begin our trek back....Eli in Jeremy's arms and Elliott bumping into the man's butt in front of her...classic! We emerge into fresh air and I think to myself, "Never again!".
Later that night, we met up with Cat who was also there for the weekend. Ummm she obviously has higher hotel standards too. Maybe I shoulda let her book my room. While we were there Eli knocked a dent in his head plaing with Nic and Elli fell in love with Zac. He is 13 by the way!
That night sleep came a little easier. Jeremy walked Elliott sooner and I slept at the foot of the bed. NICE!
That concludes day one of so called vacation. I'll have to post day 2 later.....whew.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's About Time!
I have been trying to go to Chattanooga for the past 4 years. Finally it is happening! We will leave tonight after Eli's Fall Festival ( 1st one ever). I am excited! Not for me, but for my kids. I can't wait to take Eli to Rock City. He will have a ball. We are going to Rock City, Ruby Falls ( which is supposed to be having a haunted theme.....Booby Falls? :) , Incline Railroad, and the Aquarium. I think Elliott's favorite will be the aquarium. We will just spend two days there. I will be ready to leave by then. Cathy told me she and the boys might head that way too! Either way it'll be fun.
Monica left town :( and went to St. Mary's for the weekend. It is so pretty there. I am glad I wasn't there with her this time on the ride to witness her drinking the boiled pnut juice! Pretty disgusting!! Not much on my mind....ready to leave.
Oh! Can't leave without a SHOUT OUT!
Shout out to Cat for the wooin to the hooin last night.........we'll try to be better at it next time! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Pics will be posted when I get back ( so my 4 whole followers can look forward to that lol ).
Monica left town :( and went to St. Mary's for the weekend. It is so pretty there. I am glad I wasn't there with her this time on the ride to witness her drinking the boiled pnut juice! Pretty disgusting!! Not much on my mind....ready to leave.
Oh! Can't leave without a SHOUT OUT!
Shout out to Cat for the wooin to the hooin last night.........we'll try to be better at it next time! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! Pics will be posted when I get back ( so my 4 whole followers can look forward to that lol ).
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I Wouldn't Know You
If I never had a stormy day then I wouldn't know that you could take all my rain away.
If my friends never walked away, so far away, then I wouldn't know that you would always stay...never stray.
By my side when I was going though, didn't have a clue of what I should do...but then you brought me through. You always do.
Thankful for those things that I went through. I wouldn't know you like I do......
If I never had a hungry day, broken day....how would I know that you could make a way...out of no way.
If I never had a broken heart, torn apart...how would I know that you could give me a brand new start.
All the hurt and pain I felt inside, deep inside...you let me know that I can still survive. You are my guide.
Thankful for those things that I went through. I wouldn't know you like I do......
Jesus....my savior
Jesus....way maker
Thankful for those things that I went through. I wouldn't know you like I do......
I wouldn't know you........
Thank you for those things that I've been through. I wouldn't know you like I do.
If my friends never walked away, so far away, then I wouldn't know that you would always stay...never stray.
By my side when I was going though, didn't have a clue of what I should do...but then you brought me through. You always do.
Thankful for those things that I went through. I wouldn't know you like I do......
If I never had a hungry day, broken day....how would I know that you could make a way...out of no way.
If I never had a broken heart, torn apart...how would I know that you could give me a brand new start.
All the hurt and pain I felt inside, deep inside...you let me know that I can still survive. You are my guide.
Thankful for those things that I went through. I wouldn't know you like I do......
Jesus....my savior
Jesus....way maker
Thankful for those things that I went through. I wouldn't know you like I do......
I wouldn't know you........
Thank you for those things that I've been through. I wouldn't know you like I do.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I am so beyond sleepy today. It is my halfway point through work and I am done! Too bad I can't be done. No more Tylenol PM for me!!! Well, Jeremy works tonight so the kids and I are out to fend for ourselves this evening. Wonder what to do? Let's see, prolly dinner consisting of who knows what, followed by baths, a little play/tv time, then bed by 7:30. Then on to the hot bath!!! I swear I have a small library of magazines in there. It really is ridiculous. I am listening to amy's cd of Echoes of the 70's and Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word is playing. If you haven't heard it, you should. Not really pump you up type of music though. I hope today picks up. Like the title says........BLAH!
Monday, October 19, 2009

What?!?! Do you see this people?? I have a whopping 4...count em' 1...2...3...4...followers! Woo to the Hoo! Watch out world! Here I come!!! Ok, as promised, I must give a big shout out to Alan who figured out all by himself how to create a Google acct!! Now if he can only figure out how to get a picture instead of a shadow! The suspense is killing me! Ok ok I'll lay off or my following might decrease by 25%. Not good! i am still working on hacking into Cat...aka...LONNA's acct so I can make her into a face instead of a shadow. She isn't as dedicated as others....
Today was a good day! Even though my partner in crime, Amy, was still not at work, I still had fun ALL BY MYSELF! Don't get me wrong, I am SO ready for her to come back! i have been actually teaching WAY too much. i think I may be forced to take a mental health day if my mad teaching skills continue as they have lately.
Hey! I have a question, and I want to see if ANYONE will actually answer. Here goes....What do you think is your best quality? It could be a strength, talent, physical attribute, whatever!
I will start the ball rolling by being the first one to answer. I feel my best quality is.....erm.....stupid question! Erm.....I want to say I'm a good listener, but that would depend on who I am listening too. Maybe it is my rockin ability to bring humor to any situation. Problem is, sometimes I don't INTEND to bring the humor. Sometimes i cause the humor. Anywho, see if you can answer better than me. GOOD LUCK!!
Today was a good day! Even though my partner in crime, Amy, was still not at work, I still had fun ALL BY MYSELF! Don't get me wrong, I am SO ready for her to come back! i have been actually teaching WAY too much. i think I may be forced to take a mental health day if my mad teaching skills continue as they have lately.
Hey! I have a question, and I want to see if ANYONE will actually answer. Here goes....What do you think is your best quality? It could be a strength, talent, physical attribute, whatever!
I will start the ball rolling by being the first one to answer. I feel my best quality is.....erm.....stupid question! Erm.....I want to say I'm a good listener, but that would depend on who I am listening too. Maybe it is my rockin ability to bring humor to any situation. Problem is, sometimes I don't INTEND to bring the humor. Sometimes i cause the humor. Anywho, see if you can answer better than me. GOOD LUCK!!
Well it's Monday again! They come around too often if you ask me. Anywho, I had an overall GREAT weekend!! Friday started it off with a mani/pedi combo at my most FAVORITEST ( yes that is a word in my vocabulary) nail spot with Cat! Then, on to dinner at Fugi with friends. Ok, if you haven't been to dinner with Monica, let me say, you are in for a treat!! It's like dinner and a show wrapped into one! We went to Fugi as a Sunday School get together. And Monica DRANK the ginger salad dressing!! I'm not shocked...I guess I should be. After that, we went to the church and played board games. WAIT! Let me back up.....Ok I know i'm not Spring chicken, but I was far from being the oldest one there!! *COUGH COUGH DUSTY* And somehow it became a make fun of Jaime event. How does that always happen? First it was my trash bag jacket, which I love and admit it resembles glad! Then it was me being a year older than Jeremy. I want everyone to know that it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to be older than a man in a relationship. Look it up.....sometimes it's better! Anywho....boardgames! When we met back at the church, Alan and Jessica joined us for a rousing game of Battle of the Sexes. For those of you who don't know, it is where the girls answer stereotypically male questions and the guys answer stereotypically female questions. Well the guys won. Or should i say Jeremy and Everett won. Alan pretended he didn't know girl stuff and Dusty just shouted loudly. I don't even think he knew what was going on...lol. But the girls came back to win Cranium. Which if you think about it, you have to be smart to win that one. The guys were just girly to win theirs. So that was a really fun night!
Saturday, was nice and relaxing. We got some winter shopping for the kids done. Then Eli took Bibi on a date to see When the Wild Things Are ( He even paid!)
Sunday is always busy! Took a stupid trip to Wal Mart. Bad idea. Then basically back to church. Our pretend group had to put on a mini concert Sunday night. After getting help with some very technical difficulties, it was smooth sailing. Shout out to Dalton and Cait for the spirit filled moments! :) Interesting conversations......but I'll save that for later! LOVE YA!
Saturday, was nice and relaxing. We got some winter shopping for the kids done. Then Eli took Bibi on a date to see When the Wild Things Are ( He even paid!)
Sunday is always busy! Took a stupid trip to Wal Mart. Bad idea. Then basically back to church. Our pretend group had to put on a mini concert Sunday night. After getting help with some very technical difficulties, it was smooth sailing. Shout out to Dalton and Cait for the spirit filled moments! :) Interesting conversations......but I'll save that for later! LOVE YA!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ok.... now I am sitting in class AGAIN!! This time for more smartboard training. Woo to the hoo no kids today!! I am trying to kill time before my class starts in 15 minutes. I still see no one is reading this blog. That's ok, I am just waiting for it to take off and be the new rage. I may be waiting for quite a while.....whatcha think?
Continued from this am....... Ok..so I know a bit about how to use a smartboard. I am comfortable getting up and demonstrating how they are used. So, in every class there comes the moment I HATE!!! I HATE GETTING UP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!!!! If you are reading this and you have ever seen me at church you may think," What? She sings in front of everyone often." I know I know. I don't know why or how I can do that. But if anyone asks me to speak in front of a group or answer a question I totally freak! And yes, I am aware I am a teacher and I ask that of others all the time. That is why I am not a good student. So back to my point, I was feeling ok about demonstrating skills at the smartboard. That was until the teacher asked me to get up and use a PROTRACTOR to answer a question. My mind went BLANK!!! I basically refused to get up. "F" for me today. :( Sigh............ I need encouragement.
Continued from this am....... Ok..so I know a bit about how to use a smartboard. I am comfortable getting up and demonstrating how they are used. So, in every class there comes the moment I HATE!!! I HATE GETTING UP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!!!! If you are reading this and you have ever seen me at church you may think," What? She sings in front of everyone often." I know I know. I don't know why or how I can do that. But if anyone asks me to speak in front of a group or answer a question I totally freak! And yes, I am aware I am a teacher and I ask that of others all the time. That is why I am not a good student. So back to my point, I was feeling ok about demonstrating skills at the smartboard. That was until the teacher asked me to get up and use a PROTRACTOR to answer a question. My mind went BLANK!!! I basically refused to get up. "F" for me today. :( Sigh............ I need encouragement.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I am sooooo shocked! I can't believe I don't have about 1,500 followers and bookoodles of comments on my oh so exciting blogs!!! LOL! Come on Cathy and Amy....throw me a bone! Ok, I am now sitting in the 2nd and final class for blogging. Umm....does it usually take 2 afternoons to learn how to do something new? I guess when you're teaching teachers it does. I am so sleepy today. I know I'm not the only one. It seems like every morning it gets harder and harder to get out of bed. OLD AGE!!! (no comments) :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Is It Just Me?
Why is it that a person can go from not being needed by anyone to being needed by seemingly everyone overnight? I am tired. I am tired physically, mentally, and emotionally. Good thing God keeps me energized spiritually. The thing is.........I want to be needed. It just seems like everyone gets together and says, "NOW"! I am glad that people feel that they can come to me. That is a characteristic that I would never want to wish away. Even if it meant a less stressful life. *sigh* I just hope and pray that I can provide what is needed from me.......love, advice, and sometimes just listening.
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